RRLS presents Liberty Pub
2016 Premier Lecture, Fundraiser and Birthday Celebration
Celebrate Ronald Reagan's Birthday, Saturday, February 6! Support the 2016 Series VIP Reception at 6:30 for contributors of $125 or more. $25 to attend the Lecture. Lecture Sponsor: $1000 Program Sponsorship: $500 Scholar Sponsor: $250 Contributions are tax...
Defining Modern Socialism
The naysayers believe that Socialism and Communism, “will never happen in America.” But there has been a growing presence in America since the early 1900’s. In the 1950’s we learned of the Communist plan to fundamentally transform America by breaking the capitalist...
The Parenting Moments that Matter Most
The Ronald Reagan Lecture Series resumes following the summer recess with a lecture on Thursday, September 17 focused on reaching parents of school age children. Marybeth Hicks provides a strong voice for parents, grandparents, coaches, teachers and concerned...
‘Teacher Support of Common Core Drops Dramatically’
From Brittany Corona at The Daily Signal: Schoolteachers’ support of Common Core national education standards has dropped significantly since 2013. The annual PDK/Gallup poll, released on Wednesday, found that 60 percent of Americans oppose Common Core because they...
Free Parent Briefings – Back to School
Watch Live on Ustream
Reflections on the Ronald Reagan Lecture Series
Reflections on the Ronald Reagan Lecture Series
My all-time favorite quote of Reagan’s comes from the speech referred to as “A Time for Choosing”. A truly great, yet at the same time humble man, could use the phrase, “You and I have a Rendezvous with Destiny” putting the listener and speaker on equal terms. He continued, “We’ll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we’ll sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness.”
The Ronald Reagan Lecture Series is a part of my rendezvous with destiny – and because you are reading this, it is also a part of your rendezvous. The purpose of the Ronald Reagan Lecture Series is to educate the public about conservative ideas – in the hope that we will preserve (restore) for our children, this, the last best hope of man on earth.
The Reagan Lectures began as a project of the Loudoun County Republican Committee in 2009, as an outgrowth of the speaker search committee, to bring speakers into the monthly business meetings. The Lecture Series relieved our dilemma of inviting top speakers for a 10 minute presentation. After two years of lectures, (shown elsewhere in this program) I had to discontinue my involvement due to my campaign for the State Senate in 2011. Fortunately, Pete Fagan resurrected the Lecture Series and recruited a new committee to help. This is why there was only one lecture in 2011.
In 2012 we requested the Republican Committee disassociate with the Lecture Series, allowing our committee to form a non-profit corporation under the laws of Virginia. Chris DeFrancisci , did a yeoman’s job as our volunteer treasurer, submitting the lengthy application to the IRS for our 501(c)(3). It took over 500 days for our application to be approved, so it’s no surprise that our files do include correspondence from Lois Learner.
I am excited to now focus my attention on long term strategy for the Lecture Series and appreciate the speakers, advertisers, advisors, sponsors and most of all the hard work of so many volunteers over the years who have produced the lectures.
Former Executive Director
Salute to Volunteers
JP Andrews, Lang Atwater, Ben Belrose, Chris DeFrancisci, Dan Egdvedt, Pete Fagan, Janet Kivi, Merilyn Muzacoo, Bob Leuthy, Travis McShirley, Carol Printz, Linda Kivi Porter, Butch Porter, Tom Ryan, Tom Seeman, Carolyn Sheerin, Dave Solomon, Jan Viands, Lenore Wagoner, Warner Workman, Kai Zhang
And thanks to:
- Loudoun County Republican Committee Chairmen: Glen Caroline, for adopting the project and Mark Sell for disassociated the committee.
- John Albino and Joey Smiley for donating photography services,
- James Rollins, R2Creatives and Jerome Lukas for their artistic talents!
To our advertisers:
To our Sponsors: Gene Luke and the Virginia Republican Alliance, Scott Hamberger, Martin Hamberger, Americans for Prosperity, Phillips Resources
To our Advisors: Jo Thoburn, Richard Norman, Scott Hamburger, Eugene DelGuadio and Elizabeth Smith
And to all of our terrific speakers who generously shared their time and expertise (Listed throughout the program)
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